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Time waits for no one, as they say, and that extends to Christmas — which always seems to arrive earlier than expected, unless you’re a kid.
“Thank you for making it possible to help those that need a little love at this time of year.”
Time waits for no one, as they say, and that extends to Christmas — which always seems to arrive earlier than expected, unless you’re a kid.
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For them, it seems like the big day will never get there.
We’re trying to make Christmas merrier for a large number of Saskatoon children and their families, and Sporting Christmas donations provide that help through the Salvation Army’s hamper program.
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The Sally Ann’s Derek Kerr told us last month that they helped 4,500 families last year, and he expected that the number would grow again in 2024. Inflationary pressures are catching a lot of families short.
A big thank you to Lorraine Pepler, who writes: “I would like to honour my dear husband, Russ Pepler, who sadly passed away this past September at 95 years. He lived an extraordinary life. Thank you for making it possible to help those that need a little love at this time of year.”
The Saskatoon Football Officials Association tells us they lost two of their senior members this past year — Al Waters and Bill Pfeifer.
“Both of them officiated at a high level and helped mentor newer officials who entered our association,” they write. “We dedicate this to them this year.”
Ross Affleck remembers “my best friend and brother-in-law, Gord Johnson of Davidson. Great sportsman — Hilltops, Davison Cyclones, Asquith Canadians, Stoon Commodores, Unity Cardinals, all-star at everything he did. We all played bigger when on your team.”
The Mixer hockey club is celebrating its 47th year, and they again remember several team members who have joined what they call the “Away” team — Morris Zuk, Ron Boskill, Dave England, Ken Dobchuk, Stu Cochrane, Pat Meldrum, Jack Merrick, Connie Nillson and Gloria Jorgenson.
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Thanks to all those whose donations are listed below; we can’t do this without you.
It’s not too late to help. If you’d like to join us, you can donate online by visiting
You can also leave your donation at the Salvation Army (38 Bateman Crescent), but please be sure to mark it as Sporting Christmas. The mail service is now running again, so donations can also be sent to:
Sporting Christmas
c/o The Salvation Army
38 Bateman Cresc.
Saskatoon, Sask.
S7H 3C4
Thanks to today’s Santas:
Memory of Fred Puffer Sr., Myrtle Puffer and Fred Puffer Jr., from Sharon Fyke. They were involved with curling, baseball and hockey in Govan, Saskatchewan: $150
Memory of my dear husband Ross Pepler from Lorraine Pepler: $500
Ralph and Roberta Hildebrandt: $60
Memory of Lorne Jamieson — a very good sport. From Ken and Judy: $100
Memory of Brian, Marilyn, Nadine and Tom Walter from Ric and Bonita: $100
Memory of Al Waters and Bill Pfeifer from the Saskatoon Football Officials Association: $300
Loving memory of Gordon R. Laing from Loranna Laing: $200
Sheree and Jay’s loose change: $50
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Anonymous: $60
Memory of Moe, Bro, Mac and Kerry: $200
For the Peterson/Johnsons, the Smiths and the Malms, all of whom benefitted from sports, from Elaine Bordon Ballard: $100
Memory of my son Troy, and my father Ron, from Ken Legge: $200
Memory of Alex Wasslen, a WWII veteran and member of the Saskatchewan senior men’s curling team that won the 1985 Canadian championship, from Tom Mercer: $100
Memory of good friends lost this year, from Piya Sen: $100
Loving memory of our daughter Allyson Lisa Schwab and sister Teresa Hydomako, who was a faithful fan of all sports, from Don and Margaret Schwab: $200
Memory of Del Doyscher from his curling/fishing buddies: $400
Memory of Bill Gordon from the Senior Men’s Basketball League: $200
Memory of the Mixer “Away” Team, whose members include Morris Zuk, Ron Boskill, Dave England, Ken Dobchuk, Stu Cochrane, Pat Meldrum, Jack Merrick, Connie Nillson and Gloria Jorgenson from the Mixer Hockey Club, celebrating their 47th year: $1,015
Memory of Bram Wonko, friend, good sport and a fine person from T and L Friesen: $100
Memory of my parents, Mike and Alice Dmytriw, from David: $200
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Memory of Bob Van Impe — a great sportsman dedicated to softball, from Gary and Marion Van Impe: $100
Donation credited to Derek Bidwell and Nicole (Bidwell) Green. Derek, a former Hilltop, continues a long career in TV and radio, and now works at Harvard Media. Nicole coached cheerleading for the U of S, U of R and the Riders: $60
Anonymous: $1,000
Remembering my best friend and brother-in-law, Gord Johnson of Davidson, from Ross Affleck: $200
Today’s total: $5,695
TOTAL TO DATE: $53,630.25
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